Saturday 14th December 2024
Kathmandu University, Dhulikhel, Kavre
  1. Condition Monitoring of Hydropower Plants in Nepal Owned by NEA

This project (CM Hydro), facilitated by AICKU, Turbine Testing Lab, and Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) for general and specific problem identification of NEA-owned power plants for the study and implementation of condition monitoring process in Nepalese power plants. Six power plants had been selected for the study process which includes various power plants. (Project Budget: NPR 15 million)

  1. Pilot Scale Green Ammonia Production in Nepal for Contribution to Domestic Economy and Better Utilization of Hydropower Electricity

This project (GAP NEPAL), facilitated by AICKU, Green Hydrogen Lab, and Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) to contribute to the domestic economy and better utilization of hydropower electricity in the context of Nepal. The project was started to establish a showcase 5TPD green ammonia plant and demonstrate the prospects of the green ammonia-based economy to potential investors, stakeholders, governmental institutions, policymakers, national and international bodies, and many concerned entities. (Project Budget: NPR 30 million)

  1. Feasibility Study of Green Urea Plant, Nepal

This project (GREEN UREA PLANT), facilitated by AICKU, Green Hydrogen Lab, and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Bagmati Province, to study the feasibility of Green Urea Production in Nepal. (Project Budget: NPR 5 million)

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